Molly - Game Dev Club Mentor - for code club

Molly - Game Dev Club Mentor

Molly is a Game Dev Club mentor, Pokémon enthusiast and lover of chaos


I’ve been a keen gamer since I got my first game, Sonic Heroes, for my 5th birthday, and this passion has developed into a love for game design and all things creative! I learned to code at college and since joining The Code Zone I have enjoyed working with the Hackers to bring their ideas to life as well as combining my coding and design skills to make my own games!

In my spare time I also love drawing, painting and crocheting cute toys and clothes, and I am a stereotypical ‘crazy cat lady’ with 2 cats of my own named Benji and Maud! And of course I love gaming, some of my favourite games include Pokemon, World of Warcraft and Jak and Daxter!

My cats sat on my keyboard agaiiiiiiiopkjmi

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