Unexpected Careers That Require Coding Skills!

at The Code Zone we love video games so we often talk about how learning to code is really useful for a career in gaming - but what if you don’t want to be a game dev? This week we wanted to take a closer look at some of these careers and the way that our clubs can be the first stepping stone for a child that is interested in pursuing them later in life!

Surprising Coding Careers

Hi everyone! Here at The Code Zone we love video games so we often talk about how learning to code is really useful for a career in gaming - but what if you don’t want to be a game dev? Coding knowledge can lead to a wide range of careers beyond being a programmer, so this week we wanted to take a closer look at some of these careers and the way that our clubs can be the first stepping stone for a child that is interested in pursuing them later in life!



Photographers need to use a lot of tech for their jobs - they have to be confident with a camera, of course, but they also need to be able to use editing software to make their photos pop! This means that being computer literate can be just as important for creative jobs as it is for those in other industries.

When you learn to code, you don’t just learn the coding language - you also pick up loads of transferable computer skills! When members in our Hackers clubs edit what their sprites look like, they are exposed to tools like the paintbrush and eraser which are very similar to features found in Photoshop. We also encourage independent problem solving which makes our members more equipped to learn how to use unfamiliar programs as they will already have a bank of computer skills to draw from. 



Meteorologists are the people responsible for telling us what the weather is going to be like, and most of us know them from the weather sections on the news. What a lot of people don’t know, however, is that knowing how to code is really important to do this job! Meteorologists need to analyse a lot of data in order to give accurate predictions, and they use computer programs to do so. 

Aspiring meteorologists are often encouraged to learn Python, which is a coding language that members of our Modder clubs are exposed to! Therefore, our clubs are perfect for anyone who is keen to become a weather forecaster. 



Naturally, becoming an expert coder can also lead to careers in teaching as you can impart your knowledge onto the next generation. While it’s easy to think that only IT teachers need to know how to code, computing is currently part of the national curriculum for primary school children and children as young as five are exposed to coding during their lessons!

Scratch, the block based coding language that we use in our Hackers clubs, is being used more and more often in primary schools, so our clubs give members a massive head start. Teachers also need to be confident using computers for other aspects of their job as the world continues to become more and more digital. This means that it’s hugely beneficial for our future teachers to learn how to use computers as early as possible!



Just like photographers, music producers need to be comfortable using technology. There’s recording software, electronic instruments, and mixing desks to think about and being confident with technology makes it easier to learn these systems that can get quite complicated. 

Writing music also requires problem solving skills and logic based thinking which are transferable skills that we champion here at The Code Zone!



Being an astronaut is a dream job for a lot of children, but did you know that having a solid understanding of coding can be really helpful for anyone who wants to go to space for a living?

Astronauts often carry out scientific experiments while they’re in space, and coding can help them analyse large amounts of data. Coding is also used to operate spacecraft and can help to ensure that rockets launch in the correct direction and at the correct speed. This means that learning how to code could lead to an exciting intergalactic career path!

As you can see, being confident with tech is a massively important skill for a wide range of careers and there are no signs of this changing any time soon. No matter what job your child ends up doing in the future, they are likely going to be exposed to technology in one way or another and coding in particular is becoming more and more necessary in different industries. This means that being exposed to coding from a young age can set children up for future success, and no one makes it as fun as we do here at The Code Zone!

If you want to see for yourself, you can request a free taster session now. Until next time, happy coding!


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